Ever since I missed going to the 1988 Rose Bowl – going to the
Granddaddy of them all has been on my bucket list. Back in ’88, I couldn’t afford to go. I was newly married, two kids, new house, car payments…. Just wasn’t in the cards. I did score some tickets though so I sold them to Fuss. He was able to scratch together just enough cash to make it down from Northern California.
Pete made it to Pasadena too but missed the game and most of the ride back with Pat, BK and Mrs BK. in the BK beater. But that, as they say, is another story for another day.
This year, however, the stars aligned. I was working in the LA area. Not only that, but Christmas and New Year’s day fell on a Wednesday. Now, it didn’t make sense to fly out before and after Christmas and then do it again over New Years. It would cost too much and I spend more time travelling then spending time at work.
So I decided to work from home over Christmas week and spend New Year’s week in LA. I could then spend the First in Pasadena and work
would cover the flight. Nice.
Not only that, but Mrs Doofus wanted to go too. Since flying to LA every week was racking up the miles - getting her there would not put a big dent in the wallet this time. A plan was beginning to take shape.
We left on Sunday morning for LA. By the time we got the rental
car, drove to the hotel, checked in and got to dinner it was time for the final week of the NFL. I talked Mrs Doofus into going to my favorite Sports bar in the area so I could watch the final week of the NFL. I needed an Arizona victory to win my pool (see Bowl Picks 3 for a more complete recap of the game). Football in a sports bar. The week was off to a great start.
I worked for the next couple of days while Mrs Doofus recuperated from her wrist surgery. At night we would go out to some nice restaurants partially subsidized by work.
Granddaddy of them all has been on my bucket list. Back in ’88, I couldn’t afford to go. I was newly married, two kids, new house, car payments…. Just wasn’t in the cards. I did score some tickets though so I sold them to Fuss. He was able to scratch together just enough cash to make it down from Northern California.
Pete made it to Pasadena too but missed the game and most of the ride back with Pat, BK and Mrs BK. in the BK beater. But that, as they say, is another story for another day.
This year, however, the stars aligned. I was working in the LA area. Not only that, but Christmas and New Year’s day fell on a Wednesday. Now, it didn’t make sense to fly out before and after Christmas and then do it again over New Years. It would cost too much and I spend more time travelling then spending time at work.
So I decided to work from home over Christmas week and spend New Year’s week in LA. I could then spend the First in Pasadena and work
would cover the flight. Nice.
Not only that, but Mrs Doofus wanted to go too. Since flying to LA every week was racking up the miles - getting her there would not put a big dent in the wallet this time. A plan was beginning to take shape.
We left on Sunday morning for LA. By the time we got the rental
car, drove to the hotel, checked in and got to dinner it was time for the final week of the NFL. I talked Mrs Doofus into going to my favorite Sports bar in the area so I could watch the final week of the NFL. I needed an Arizona victory to win my pool (see Bowl Picks 3 for a more complete recap of the game). Football in a sports bar. The week was off to a great start.
I worked for the next couple of days while Mrs Doofus recuperated from her wrist surgery. At night we would go out to some nice restaurants partially subsidized by work.

After work on New Year’s eve, we decided to stop by Pasadena to check out the Rose Bowl before the hordes descended. We walked around the stadium and came across a three sided pillar that had the scores for all the Rose Bowls. I, of course, took a picture of the 1988 Rose Bowl victory that started this whole trip. We also loaded up on Spartan gear before all the good stuff was gone. Good thing, because the next day all that was left was smalls.

New Years Eve
Up until now, since the rooms were being paid by work they were fairly Spartan (no pun intended). But on my own nickel, I decided to try an impress the Mrs and bought a very nice room by the Santa Monica beach.
Now, because of all my travel, l am diamond at more than one hotel chain. It really paid off on this trip. The nice room I had bought had been upgraded to the Presidential Suite! It was a massive suite with multiple biffs, skylight over the Jacuzzi, a chandelier and an ocean view (just over the parking structure if you looked real hard).
As most husbands know, trying to earn brownie points with the wives is normally an exercise in futility but on this trip I was starting to earn some smiles. We explored the suite for a while and sent several pictures to the kids. Mrs Doofus was impressed.
I then took her over to the Santa Monica pier to watch a lovely sunset. Hand in hand, I was earning extra brownie points.
Once the sun began its final descent, we strolled over to a fine dining establishment where I had made some early evening reservations. We were joined by Fuss and Mrs Fuss. Excellent companions to end an, all in all, pretty good 2013. Fuss was generous enough to bring along two bottles of wine. A red and a white (non-oakey to the delight of the Mrs. - Fuss was getting an assist on the brownie point tally)
Up until now, since the rooms were being paid by work they were fairly Spartan (no pun intended). But on my own nickel, I decided to try an impress the Mrs and bought a very nice room by the Santa Monica beach.
Now, because of all my travel, l am diamond at more than one hotel chain. It really paid off on this trip. The nice room I had bought had been upgraded to the Presidential Suite! It was a massive suite with multiple biffs, skylight over the Jacuzzi, a chandelier and an ocean view (just over the parking structure if you looked real hard).
As most husbands know, trying to earn brownie points with the wives is normally an exercise in futility but on this trip I was starting to earn some smiles. We explored the suite for a while and sent several pictures to the kids. Mrs Doofus was impressed.
I then took her over to the Santa Monica pier to watch a lovely sunset. Hand in hand, I was earning extra brownie points.
Once the sun began its final descent, we strolled over to a fine dining establishment where I had made some early evening reservations. We were joined by Fuss and Mrs Fuss. Excellent companions to end an, all in all, pretty good 2013. Fuss was generous enough to bring along two bottles of wine. A red and a white (non-oakey to the delight of the Mrs. - Fuss was getting an assist on the brownie point tally)

During dinner, Fuss recalled the story of going to the ’88 Rose Bowl. Not only that, but he still has the original ticket. He sent me a picture of it. I looked at the price. $38 and that included free parking! Hell, just the parking costs more than that now. I tried to convince Fuss that he never got around to paying me for the ticket. But he was having nothing of it. He distinctly remembers paying (He had - but he did offer to pay the corkage fee. Thanks Fuss)
As we were finishing up some excellent deserts (the chef was a renowned desert chef before opening his own restaurant) Sully texted. He as a couple of blocks away and an English pub. The place was rocking, he said.
We all walked over and the place was indeed jumping. The four of us hooked up with Ryan, Hugh and Sully. I went over to the bar to get my bride a drink and myself one too. At the bar I had to instruct the barkeep on how to make a black castle (Guinness and New castle) He hadn’t heard of it. He soon would be making a lot of them.
Ryan was a daddy again! Those Irish sure can crank ‘em out. Ryan was showing off pictures of his latest and trying to impress Mrs Doofus with infant poop stories. At least I was impressed.
Hugh was busting my chops too. Hugh had asked Sully where I was earlier in the day. “He’s working” Just then my Bowl Picks came across the wire. “Bullshit – he just sent out todays picks!”
Busted. Things were kinda slow during the week so a slipped in some Mega Bet research.
We spent the rest of the night watching a great Texas A&M game, planning the next day’s activities, retelling good old stories (Ryan had never heard the story about his Dad and drinking through a straw) and just plain old partying.
New Years Day – It’s the Rose Bowl
I was geeked. Even though the game wasn’t until 2 in the afternoon I was up before 6 already dressed. I woke up Mrs Doofus (I was starting to lose some of those hard earned brownie points), she grumbled, but she got up and we headed down to the breakfast buffet.
Since it might be awhile before we eat some stadium dogs I loaded up. Omelet, waffles, cereal, toast, fruit – I made a dent. It’s wasn’t near Vegas levels of eating but a pretty good effort none the less.
After loading up we headed to Pasadena. I was now on the final leg of a 26 year bucket list quest!
Getting there around 8 it was strangely quiet. We drove into town until we hit a police roadblock. The Parade was still going on and you wouldn’t let you within a mile of the downtown.
I went up to the local constable and showed him my parking print out. I was supposed to go to somewhere called 40 N Pasadena and get a slip that then allowed you to park somewhere else near 40 N Pasadena. He looked, thought
about it, and then let us through! Cool, I was in!
He said “Not sure where that place is but if it is past Colorado Ave you won’t get by. The parade is still going on.” So I drove on until I came up to a crowd of people 10 deep. Apparently I had made it to the parade.
I started looking around for somewhere to park. Nothing, I kept driving around. Still nothing. By now I was getting the furry eyebrow from Mrs Doofus. My brownie points were getting about as stale as if I had left them on the counter all week.
Finally, I came across a place to park for $15. I quickly went in. We were about four blocks from the parade.
About half way to the parade we came across a coffee shop. Mrs Doofus was thirsty so she got a green tea concoction. “How is it lovey??” “Awful!” The day was not off to a good start.
We finally got to the parade as it was coming to an end. The floats were sad. It felt like the end of a good party when you have to throw out the last few drunks. But still, technically, I had made the Rose Bowl Parade. No need to add that to the bucket list.
Then a cool thing happened. They took down the barricades and let everyone walk down Colorado Ave. Neat. We were part of the parade.
So we started down the parade route. Thousands of our fellow revelers joined us. It was one big walking block party. Very fun.
I decided to kill two birds with one stone and see if I could find out where this 40 N Pasadena was. About a mile down the route I came up to Pasadena Ave and 40 N was a block north. We went over. There was nothing there
except a sign saying this is where you exchange your pass for a parking pass. But there was no one there nor a machine with which to do it. I was confused. I guess we were here too early.
As we were finishing up some excellent deserts (the chef was a renowned desert chef before opening his own restaurant) Sully texted. He as a couple of blocks away and an English pub. The place was rocking, he said.
We all walked over and the place was indeed jumping. The four of us hooked up with Ryan, Hugh and Sully. I went over to the bar to get my bride a drink and myself one too. At the bar I had to instruct the barkeep on how to make a black castle (Guinness and New castle) He hadn’t heard of it. He soon would be making a lot of them.
Ryan was a daddy again! Those Irish sure can crank ‘em out. Ryan was showing off pictures of his latest and trying to impress Mrs Doofus with infant poop stories. At least I was impressed.
Hugh was busting my chops too. Hugh had asked Sully where I was earlier in the day. “He’s working” Just then my Bowl Picks came across the wire. “Bullshit – he just sent out todays picks!”
Busted. Things were kinda slow during the week so a slipped in some Mega Bet research.
We spent the rest of the night watching a great Texas A&M game, planning the next day’s activities, retelling good old stories (Ryan had never heard the story about his Dad and drinking through a straw) and just plain old partying.
New Years Day – It’s the Rose Bowl
I was geeked. Even though the game wasn’t until 2 in the afternoon I was up before 6 already dressed. I woke up Mrs Doofus (I was starting to lose some of those hard earned brownie points), she grumbled, but she got up and we headed down to the breakfast buffet.
Since it might be awhile before we eat some stadium dogs I loaded up. Omelet, waffles, cereal, toast, fruit – I made a dent. It’s wasn’t near Vegas levels of eating but a pretty good effort none the less.
After loading up we headed to Pasadena. I was now on the final leg of a 26 year bucket list quest!
Getting there around 8 it was strangely quiet. We drove into town until we hit a police roadblock. The Parade was still going on and you wouldn’t let you within a mile of the downtown.
I went up to the local constable and showed him my parking print out. I was supposed to go to somewhere called 40 N Pasadena and get a slip that then allowed you to park somewhere else near 40 N Pasadena. He looked, thought
about it, and then let us through! Cool, I was in!
He said “Not sure where that place is but if it is past Colorado Ave you won’t get by. The parade is still going on.” So I drove on until I came up to a crowd of people 10 deep. Apparently I had made it to the parade.
I started looking around for somewhere to park. Nothing, I kept driving around. Still nothing. By now I was getting the furry eyebrow from Mrs Doofus. My brownie points were getting about as stale as if I had left them on the counter all week.
Finally, I came across a place to park for $15. I quickly went in. We were about four blocks from the parade.
About half way to the parade we came across a coffee shop. Mrs Doofus was thirsty so she got a green tea concoction. “How is it lovey??” “Awful!” The day was not off to a good start.
We finally got to the parade as it was coming to an end. The floats were sad. It felt like the end of a good party when you have to throw out the last few drunks. But still, technically, I had made the Rose Bowl Parade. No need to add that to the bucket list.
Then a cool thing happened. They took down the barricades and let everyone walk down Colorado Ave. Neat. We were part of the parade.
So we started down the parade route. Thousands of our fellow revelers joined us. It was one big walking block party. Very fun.
I decided to kill two birds with one stone and see if I could find out where this 40 N Pasadena was. About a mile down the route I came up to Pasadena Ave and 40 N was a block north. We went over. There was nothing there
except a sign saying this is where you exchange your pass for a parking pass. But there was no one there nor a machine with which to do it. I was confused. I guess we were here too early.

Just then, Sully texted. He was tailgating at a local middle school and come on over – the tailgate was getting ready to take off.
I checked my GPS. We were about half way between the place we were parked and Sully. Neither answer was going to please Mrs
Doofus so I decided to get her to the party so she could sit down. It was a nice walk and the weather was beautiful. About 45 minutes later we found Sully. It was time to get this party started!
But I held off on the Woodford Reserve and the cigars. It was getting to be about 11am. By the time I went back to the parking spot, moved the car and returned to the party it would be time to leave. So I reversed my entire walk, moved the car and returned. My calves were getting pretty stiff. I’ve been walking for about 2 hours straight.
On my extended excursion, BK texted. His flight arrived in LA that morning. Mrs BK was giving him grief for poor planning – arriving the morning of the game – what a moron. That is, until her flight to Dallas was delayed and she missed her connection. Now she was arriving the morning of the game too.
But, now they were finally here. Where is the party? I like her priorities. I told her about Sully school house party and would meet them there.
By the time I got back I was tired, stiff and ready to tailgate. And the tailgate was going strong. Mrs Doofus, BK, Mrs BK, Sully Hugh and various kids – we were all having a grand old time. BK gave me a cigar, I hit on some bourbon and started making up for lost time.
But by the time I got two fingers into a good time it was getting to be 1:00. Time to break camp and head to the game.
Then Joe texted. Where are you guys? Turns out, he was tailgating at the Rose Bowl itself. He had gotten there around 4:30 in the morning and paid about the same as we did 2 miles away. Crap, if I knew that we would have gone straight there.
As we walked around the Rose Bowl parking lot, Joe guided us in by holding up a couple of beer cups (green of
Now it was really a party. The gang arrived to meet up with Joe, Mrs Joe, more kids and Shake! I haven’t seen Shake since college. Man, we had a lot of catching up to do.
But time was getting short so we headed on in. Shake – no excuses – you got to make the GO JUMBO weekend.
I checked my GPS. We were about half way between the place we were parked and Sully. Neither answer was going to please Mrs
Doofus so I decided to get her to the party so she could sit down. It was a nice walk and the weather was beautiful. About 45 minutes later we found Sully. It was time to get this party started!
But I held off on the Woodford Reserve and the cigars. It was getting to be about 11am. By the time I went back to the parking spot, moved the car and returned to the party it would be time to leave. So I reversed my entire walk, moved the car and returned. My calves were getting pretty stiff. I’ve been walking for about 2 hours straight.
On my extended excursion, BK texted. His flight arrived in LA that morning. Mrs BK was giving him grief for poor planning – arriving the morning of the game – what a moron. That is, until her flight to Dallas was delayed and she missed her connection. Now she was arriving the morning of the game too.
But, now they were finally here. Where is the party? I like her priorities. I told her about Sully school house party and would meet them there.
By the time I got back I was tired, stiff and ready to tailgate. And the tailgate was going strong. Mrs Doofus, BK, Mrs BK, Sully Hugh and various kids – we were all having a grand old time. BK gave me a cigar, I hit on some bourbon and started making up for lost time.
But by the time I got two fingers into a good time it was getting to be 1:00. Time to break camp and head to the game.
Then Joe texted. Where are you guys? Turns out, he was tailgating at the Rose Bowl itself. He had gotten there around 4:30 in the morning and paid about the same as we did 2 miles away. Crap, if I knew that we would have gone straight there.
As we walked around the Rose Bowl parking lot, Joe guided us in by holding up a couple of beer cups (green of
Now it was really a party. The gang arrived to meet up with Joe, Mrs Joe, more kids and Shake! I haven’t seen Shake since college. Man, we had a lot of catching up to do.
But time was getting short so we headed on in. Shake – no excuses – you got to make the GO JUMBO weekend.

The Game
We got to the game just as they were playing the national anthem. We had phenomenal seats. We were in the Stanford end zone between the R and the D three rows up. Just a great view of the game. The weather was perfect. The backdrop of the San Gabriel mountains was gorgeous. I was in heaven!
The game itself was great too. Most of the action was to happen in our end zone.
MSU let up a TD on their first drive (like they always do said Joe after the game) but then put the clamps on. The defense was to allow only two FGs for the rest of the game. Even after Conner Cook throw a bad pick six to put the Green and White in a 17-7 hole, you just knew that with our defense, it would only be a matter of time until we got the lead.
State kept grinding away until with 13 minutes left in the game they scored on a 25 yard TD pass to take the lead 24-17.
Stanford countered with a FG to cut the lead to 24-20 with four minutes left.
The excitement was growing when Mrs Doofus noticed that the cops in riot gear were gathering in front of us. Seems as though we were in one of the few places that fans could actually storm the field. Not that we were about to. Those days are long behind me. And I wasn’t worried about the rest our section as they seemed pretty well behaved.
She was a bit worried though– she noticed that the riot police were carrying large canisters of pepper spray. “How far does it shoot?” Hadn’t thought of that. No matter, if I had to take on some pepper spray to watch the celebration I was willing to take one for the team. Not so sure she shared my enthusiasm.
Then came one of the most dramatic endings in Spartan football history. Stanford had the ball 1st and ten on their 25. 3 minutes left in the game. They needed a TD. A FG wouldn’t do. State held - until it was 4th and 1 at the Cardinal 34. Stanford had no choice – they had to go for it. State could end the game right now if the hold.
I’m sure you have seen it a million times but here is the play
We got to the game just as they were playing the national anthem. We had phenomenal seats. We were in the Stanford end zone between the R and the D three rows up. Just a great view of the game. The weather was perfect. The backdrop of the San Gabriel mountains was gorgeous. I was in heaven!
The game itself was great too. Most of the action was to happen in our end zone.
MSU let up a TD on their first drive (like they always do said Joe after the game) but then put the clamps on. The defense was to allow only two FGs for the rest of the game. Even after Conner Cook throw a bad pick six to put the Green and White in a 17-7 hole, you just knew that with our defense, it would only be a matter of time until we got the lead.
State kept grinding away until with 13 minutes left in the game they scored on a 25 yard TD pass to take the lead 24-17.
Stanford countered with a FG to cut the lead to 24-20 with four minutes left.
The excitement was growing when Mrs Doofus noticed that the cops in riot gear were gathering in front of us. Seems as though we were in one of the few places that fans could actually storm the field. Not that we were about to. Those days are long behind me. And I wasn’t worried about the rest our section as they seemed pretty well behaved.
She was a bit worried though– she noticed that the riot police were carrying large canisters of pepper spray. “How far does it shoot?” Hadn’t thought of that. No matter, if I had to take on some pepper spray to watch the celebration I was willing to take one for the team. Not so sure she shared my enthusiasm.
Then came one of the most dramatic endings in Spartan football history. Stanford had the ball 1st and ten on their 25. 3 minutes left in the game. They needed a TD. A FG wouldn’t do. State held - until it was 4th and 1 at the Cardinal 34. Stanford had no choice – they had to go for it. State could end the game right now if the hold.
I’m sure you have seen it a million times but here is the play

(In case the above version doesn't worked click here) Stuffed
That will never get old. It’s a play that will stand with Kaiser’s FG to win the 1956 Rose Bowl, Smoker to TJ to beat Michigan, Da Bang Stick’s vicious hit to beat Indiana and other great plays in Spartan lore.
The place went nuts. The game was easily 70% Spartan fans and they were celebrating!
A few victory formations later and the Spartans had won the 100th Rose Bowl 24-20. Let the huge Green and White celebration begin!!
And the team joined in with the Marching Band Celebrate
Normally I don’t care for the trophy presentations and speeches. Not this time. I was staying and taking it all in.
My heart did skip a beat, however, when Coach Dantonio responded to the question “What does this game mean to you?”
“Completion” he said.
Completion? Is he leaving?
I was over worried. He’s staying. Enjoy the moment Doofus.
We stayed for quite a long time. I didn't want toe moment to end. I was just going to soak it all in.
Finally, after the speeches were all done, the teams had headed to their locker rooms. the band was done playing, and the roadies were taking down the stage, we decided to go over to Joe's and see if the tailgate had restarted.
On the way out, I came across a couple that looked like Fuss and Mrs Fuss taking pictures underneath the neon Rose Bowl logo. I went up and photo bombed a few and then said. "Great game!"
Luckily it was Fuss. The post game celebration had started ( I wonder if Fuss realizes I had photo bombed him - he will in time, I'm sure)
We went over to Joe's tailgate and by texting and calling everyone we were able to reassemble the gang. Joe was down to some left over Cranberry Vodkas. Good enough for me!
We spent the rest of the evening recounting our favorite moments of the game and post game. Good times were had by all. Easily my favorite bowl game of all time and perhaps favorite Spartan game of all time.
The Epilogue
On the flight back I got upgraded to first class for one of the few times this year. I decided to try and regain my brownie points. Since Mrs. Doofus had a cast on in a sling we were able to pre-board with all the wheel chair folks and infants. As we went on to the plane I steered her to my first class seat and said "enjoy"
It worked, I got all the brownie points back with some frosting on top too. A perfect ending to a great week.
That will never get old. It’s a play that will stand with Kaiser’s FG to win the 1956 Rose Bowl, Smoker to TJ to beat Michigan, Da Bang Stick’s vicious hit to beat Indiana and other great plays in Spartan lore.
The place went nuts. The game was easily 70% Spartan fans and they were celebrating!
A few victory formations later and the Spartans had won the 100th Rose Bowl 24-20. Let the huge Green and White celebration begin!!
And the team joined in with the Marching Band Celebrate
Normally I don’t care for the trophy presentations and speeches. Not this time. I was staying and taking it all in.
My heart did skip a beat, however, when Coach Dantonio responded to the question “What does this game mean to you?”
“Completion” he said.
Completion? Is he leaving?
I was over worried. He’s staying. Enjoy the moment Doofus.
We stayed for quite a long time. I didn't want toe moment to end. I was just going to soak it all in.
Finally, after the speeches were all done, the teams had headed to their locker rooms. the band was done playing, and the roadies were taking down the stage, we decided to go over to Joe's and see if the tailgate had restarted.
On the way out, I came across a couple that looked like Fuss and Mrs Fuss taking pictures underneath the neon Rose Bowl logo. I went up and photo bombed a few and then said. "Great game!"
Luckily it was Fuss. The post game celebration had started ( I wonder if Fuss realizes I had photo bombed him - he will in time, I'm sure)
We went over to Joe's tailgate and by texting and calling everyone we were able to reassemble the gang. Joe was down to some left over Cranberry Vodkas. Good enough for me!
We spent the rest of the evening recounting our favorite moments of the game and post game. Good times were had by all. Easily my favorite bowl game of all time and perhaps favorite Spartan game of all time.
The Epilogue
On the flight back I got upgraded to first class for one of the few times this year. I decided to try and regain my brownie points. Since Mrs. Doofus had a cast on in a sling we were able to pre-board with all the wheel chair folks and infants. As we went on to the plane I steered her to my first class seat and said "enjoy"
It worked, I got all the brownie points back with some frosting on top too. A perfect ending to a great week.