Awful, just awful
The Ohio State presser last night was a joke.
First, when they announced that AD Gene Smith and Urban Meyer would be at the press conference you knew that it was going to be a white wash. It was worse than that.
Mary Jo White, former head of the SEC who knows something or two about violations of the law started out with a long list of everything that Meyer and Smith did and more importantly, didn't do, after which the Board met for 11 hours before coming to agreement on the penalties to be invoked.
The Board then, not unexpectedly, screwed that part up. Three games really? That’s it? Just in time to come back for the warm up game against Tulane before playing Penn State must be how they decided. Come on, the Board reports to Buckeye Nation. Did you really expect him to get fired? Why did it take 11 hours? Was it to determine he should sit out the Tulane game too?
But the worst was still to come.
Per the report, Meyer didn’t believe Courtney Smith’s account of abuse in 2009. And, he was skeptical of her account in 2015. He also said was not aware of his wife's text messages at the time.
Bullsh!t. If Mrs Doofus were to get such texts she wouldn’t stop talking about it until I fired him and reported it to the police and the Compliance Dept right away.
The investigators didn't believe him either "Given the closeness of their relationship and Shelley's concerns, we believe it is likely that Shelley and Urban Meyer had at least some communication about these allegations in late 2015 and were concerned about them, although both had doubts about the credibility of Courtney's claims ..." Yeah, the photos must have been her falling into Zachass Smith's clinched fist. Or maybe she fell down some stairs. Battered wives really struggle with stairs.
The report didn’t stop there. It mentions the Smith’s history of “promiscuous and embarrassing sexual behavior (that would include banging a secretary in the OSU football facilities plus large strip-club bills on recruiting trips, and shipments of sex toys), drug abuse, truancy, dishonesty, financial irresponsibility, a possible NCAA violation, and a lengthy police investigation into allegations of criminal domestic violence and cyber crimes.” What a guy.
The university-commissioned report concludes that despite all this, Meyer never wrote Zach Smith up or put him on a performance improvement plan, instituting “no disciplinary action until July 23, 2018.”
The Ohio State presser last night was a joke.
First, when they announced that AD Gene Smith and Urban Meyer would be at the press conference you knew that it was going to be a white wash. It was worse than that.
Mary Jo White, former head of the SEC who knows something or two about violations of the law started out with a long list of everything that Meyer and Smith did and more importantly, didn't do, after which the Board met for 11 hours before coming to agreement on the penalties to be invoked.
The Board then, not unexpectedly, screwed that part up. Three games really? That’s it? Just in time to come back for the warm up game against Tulane before playing Penn State must be how they decided. Come on, the Board reports to Buckeye Nation. Did you really expect him to get fired? Why did it take 11 hours? Was it to determine he should sit out the Tulane game too?
But the worst was still to come.
Per the report, Meyer didn’t believe Courtney Smith’s account of abuse in 2009. And, he was skeptical of her account in 2015. He also said was not aware of his wife's text messages at the time.
Bullsh!t. If Mrs Doofus were to get such texts she wouldn’t stop talking about it until I fired him and reported it to the police and the Compliance Dept right away.
The investigators didn't believe him either "Given the closeness of their relationship and Shelley's concerns, we believe it is likely that Shelley and Urban Meyer had at least some communication about these allegations in late 2015 and were concerned about them, although both had doubts about the credibility of Courtney's claims ..." Yeah, the photos must have been her falling into Zachass Smith's clinched fist. Or maybe she fell down some stairs. Battered wives really struggle with stairs.
The report didn’t stop there. It mentions the Smith’s history of “promiscuous and embarrassing sexual behavior (that would include banging a secretary in the OSU football facilities plus large strip-club bills on recruiting trips, and shipments of sex toys), drug abuse, truancy, dishonesty, financial irresponsibility, a possible NCAA violation, and a lengthy police investigation into allegations of criminal domestic violence and cyber crimes.” What a guy.
The university-commissioned report concludes that despite all this, Meyer never wrote Zach Smith up or put him on a performance improvement plan, instituting “no disciplinary action until July 23, 2018.”

Any one of those things would get you fired but this is the guy Meyer supported because of a loyalty to Smith’s grandfather, Earl Bruce. Bruce was fired at Ohio State after the 1987 season. Later, he would coach at Colorado State, where players alleged Bruce had abused them, and in one player’s case, hit him with a closed fist during practice. The acorn didn’t fall far from that tree.
Later, when the story by ESPN was about to break, Meyer and director of football operations Brian Voltolini discussed how to delete old text messages. When the school obtained Meyer’s phone the next day, the old text messages were gone. Surprise!
The report went on “It is nonetheless concerning that his first reaction to a negative media piece exposing his knowledge of the 2015-16 law enforcement investigation was to worry about the media getting access to information and discussing how to delete messages older than a year.” Let the cover up begin.
The report also went on to say that Meyer didn’t lie about his former wide receiver’s coach's sordid history as much as he wasn’t “complete and accurate” in describing it. I don't know about in your house but in my household that’s considered a lie.
And while all the charges were being listed, Meyer sat there like, there is no way he should be sitting in the Principal’s office. I'm bigger than this. This is all a waste of my time. Smith looked like he was in over his head and the only reason he still had a job was to save Meyer’s.
Then the real travesty started. Q&A
Meyer had an opportunity to redeem himself, to show that his "core value" of "TREAT WOMEN WITH RESPECT" is more than just capital letters on a wall in a locker room. Instead, when asked what he had to say to Courtney Smith, Meyer answered: "Well, I have a message for everyone involved in this: I'm sorry that we're in this situation, and, I'm just sorry we're in this situation." Gee, I guess he is sorry for the situation he put himself in.
He never mentioned Courtney Smith's name nor apologized. Not once.
Gene Smith, said his "greatest pain" he feels is for the people he serves every day."The 565 employees I go to work with every day, the thousand-plus student-athletes we work with every day," he said, "and, of course, all of Buckeye Nation and this institution."
They apologized more to "Buckeye Nation" than he did to Courtney Smith. Hope you feel better Buckeye Nation. Sorry to put you through such trouble.
Courtney Smith was the victim not Buckeye Nation and certainly not Meyer, who played it on TV.
What an unrepentant, unremorseful, sanctimonious, arrogant prick.
Look, I get it. I can’t get too high on my horse after MSU and Nasser. But MSU fired their AD and the President resigned. Now they are getting ready to cough up a half a billion to the survivors. And Nasser is getting the Shawshank “Sisters” treatment in prison. Good, leave him there - don’t move him.
Over in Buckeye Nation, the president is still there, The AD and coach are getting unpaid vacations and the abuser is still free with all his sex toys over at the Pink Pony.
Woz texted he’s OK with the decision as long as Meyer continues to beat scUM. I’m not sure. I have to choose between a prick and buffoonish jerk. Tough choice. I’ll never root for Michigan but this makes it close.
Later, when the story by ESPN was about to break, Meyer and director of football operations Brian Voltolini discussed how to delete old text messages. When the school obtained Meyer’s phone the next day, the old text messages were gone. Surprise!
The report went on “It is nonetheless concerning that his first reaction to a negative media piece exposing his knowledge of the 2015-16 law enforcement investigation was to worry about the media getting access to information and discussing how to delete messages older than a year.” Let the cover up begin.
The report also went on to say that Meyer didn’t lie about his former wide receiver’s coach's sordid history as much as he wasn’t “complete and accurate” in describing it. I don't know about in your house but in my household that’s considered a lie.
And while all the charges were being listed, Meyer sat there like, there is no way he should be sitting in the Principal’s office. I'm bigger than this. This is all a waste of my time. Smith looked like he was in over his head and the only reason he still had a job was to save Meyer’s.
Then the real travesty started. Q&A
Meyer had an opportunity to redeem himself, to show that his "core value" of "TREAT WOMEN WITH RESPECT" is more than just capital letters on a wall in a locker room. Instead, when asked what he had to say to Courtney Smith, Meyer answered: "Well, I have a message for everyone involved in this: I'm sorry that we're in this situation, and, I'm just sorry we're in this situation." Gee, I guess he is sorry for the situation he put himself in.
He never mentioned Courtney Smith's name nor apologized. Not once.
Gene Smith, said his "greatest pain" he feels is for the people he serves every day."The 565 employees I go to work with every day, the thousand-plus student-athletes we work with every day," he said, "and, of course, all of Buckeye Nation and this institution."
They apologized more to "Buckeye Nation" than he did to Courtney Smith. Hope you feel better Buckeye Nation. Sorry to put you through such trouble.
Courtney Smith was the victim not Buckeye Nation and certainly not Meyer, who played it on TV.
What an unrepentant, unremorseful, sanctimonious, arrogant prick.
Look, I get it. I can’t get too high on my horse after MSU and Nasser. But MSU fired their AD and the President resigned. Now they are getting ready to cough up a half a billion to the survivors. And Nasser is getting the Shawshank “Sisters” treatment in prison. Good, leave him there - don’t move him.
Over in Buckeye Nation, the president is still there, The AD and coach are getting unpaid vacations and the abuser is still free with all his sex toys over at the Pink Pony.
Woz texted he’s OK with the decision as long as Meyer continues to beat scUM. I’m not sure. I have to choose between a prick and buffoonish jerk. Tough choice. I’ll never root for Michigan but this makes it close.