It’s been a busy time in the Doofus household. But before I get
into all the drama – a recap of March Madness is in order.
MSU was one step away from the Final Four needing only to beat a red hot but still 7 seed UConn. The Spartans were playing well up until then but UConn was about to smack them in the mouth. The Huskies jumped to a 10 point lead when MSU started hitting shots and came roaring back. But UConn toughened up on D and the Spartans wilted. UConn eventually beat State 60-54. It was one more step on their way to the championship. The Mother of all Doofusses and Big Al were very pleased.
Our brackets were not so pleased. No one in the pool got the eventual winner correct. Then again, only the most devout Huskie fan would have a seven seed going all the way.
Fuss won our pool with a perfect West region. He was out at the Masters last weekend trying to get Warren Buffet to pony up for a quarter billion. I hear he is not having very much luck. I came in third and ended up in the 91.7 percentile in all the brackets on ESPN. Not bad. Fuss ended up in the 97.0 percentile. That’s pretty damn good. Nice job Fuss!
Just about the time the March Madness got over, another Madness was about to start. Mrs Doofus got on the “we got to sell the house” kick again. We went through a similar exercise a few years back just as the market was
bottoming out. After a lot of hard work (including dismantling the Doofus Deck 1.0) we didn’t get as much as sniff from buyers. Not one single offer. Bummer.
But that didn’t stop Mrs Doofus. “We got to do it right away. We missed the peak of the selling season and there are only a couple of months left.” So we went about fixing up the house, repacking all our stuff (truth be told a lot of it was still boxed from the last time), moving it into storage and dismantling Doofus Deck 2.0. It found a good home. The Big Guy took it to his place.
The final spurt at the end was me having to mow, weed and lay down 55 bales of pine straw in one day. The Doofus daughters were a big help.
I figured, what the hell, in a couple of months we’ll take it off the market again and I can have Doofus Deck 3.0 up in time for football. And I was going to make it well worth my while.
After a ton of hard work (by far most of it done by Mrs Doofus), we got it all done just in time sign up with a realtor
and head out to the French Quarter Festival with Bruce and Mrs. Bruce. Mrs. Doofus was looking forward to the trip. She had been putting in a lot of late hours including up until midnight the night before we left.
The Festival was a great time. A Christian Soul group got things kicked off and had Bruce and me doing the “Hallelujah Jump”. A move we are certain to do in Vegas. We were moseying around the quarter taking it all in –
brass bands, Dixie Land, zydeco, you name it. We were having a grand old time. As the first day started to wind down we were over in Jackson Square listening to a pretty good swing band when Mrs Doofus told me about a cool app the realtor had. You could log in and see how many showings you had and any feedback. So I logged on and guess what – we had a showing. No way said Mrs Doofus, it’s not even listed on the MLS yet. That’s not supposed to happen until tomorrow.
into all the drama – a recap of March Madness is in order.
MSU was one step away from the Final Four needing only to beat a red hot but still 7 seed UConn. The Spartans were playing well up until then but UConn was about to smack them in the mouth. The Huskies jumped to a 10 point lead when MSU started hitting shots and came roaring back. But UConn toughened up on D and the Spartans wilted. UConn eventually beat State 60-54. It was one more step on their way to the championship. The Mother of all Doofusses and Big Al were very pleased.
Our brackets were not so pleased. No one in the pool got the eventual winner correct. Then again, only the most devout Huskie fan would have a seven seed going all the way.
Fuss won our pool with a perfect West region. He was out at the Masters last weekend trying to get Warren Buffet to pony up for a quarter billion. I hear he is not having very much luck. I came in third and ended up in the 91.7 percentile in all the brackets on ESPN. Not bad. Fuss ended up in the 97.0 percentile. That’s pretty damn good. Nice job Fuss!
Just about the time the March Madness got over, another Madness was about to start. Mrs Doofus got on the “we got to sell the house” kick again. We went through a similar exercise a few years back just as the market was
bottoming out. After a lot of hard work (including dismantling the Doofus Deck 1.0) we didn’t get as much as sniff from buyers. Not one single offer. Bummer.
But that didn’t stop Mrs Doofus. “We got to do it right away. We missed the peak of the selling season and there are only a couple of months left.” So we went about fixing up the house, repacking all our stuff (truth be told a lot of it was still boxed from the last time), moving it into storage and dismantling Doofus Deck 2.0. It found a good home. The Big Guy took it to his place.
The final spurt at the end was me having to mow, weed and lay down 55 bales of pine straw in one day. The Doofus daughters were a big help.
I figured, what the hell, in a couple of months we’ll take it off the market again and I can have Doofus Deck 3.0 up in time for football. And I was going to make it well worth my while.
After a ton of hard work (by far most of it done by Mrs Doofus), we got it all done just in time sign up with a realtor
and head out to the French Quarter Festival with Bruce and Mrs. Bruce. Mrs. Doofus was looking forward to the trip. She had been putting in a lot of late hours including up until midnight the night before we left.
The Festival was a great time. A Christian Soul group got things kicked off and had Bruce and me doing the “Hallelujah Jump”. A move we are certain to do in Vegas. We were moseying around the quarter taking it all in –
brass bands, Dixie Land, zydeco, you name it. We were having a grand old time. As the first day started to wind down we were over in Jackson Square listening to a pretty good swing band when Mrs Doofus told me about a cool app the realtor had. You could log in and see how many showings you had and any feedback. So I logged on and guess what – we had a showing. No way said Mrs Doofus, it’s not even listed on the MLS yet. That’s not supposed to happen until tomorrow.

We figured it must be one of those one realtor showing another realtor the house before it gets listed. There was no feedback so that must be it.
About an hour or so later, Mrs Doofus gets a call from our realtor. Guess what, we were going to get an offer.
No way, it was only the first day. First day, one showing and we are going to get an offer? That’s just too weird. 5-10 years ago those type of things happened but not now.
So now we figured that it was going to be a low ball offer. Why else would someone make an offer on the first day? We started contemplating what our next moves were going to be. Counter? Go quiet and see if they counter their own offer (a tactic that has worked for us in the past). If counter – at what price? It was getting kind of ridiculous as we didn’t even know what the offer was going to be.
So I had Mrs. Doofus set the over/under on where she thought the offer would come in at. I took the under.
About another hour later we get another call from the realtor. She had spoken to the other agent (who worked in her office it turns out) and we could expect an offer that you won’t even want to counter.
What the hell does that mean? It kind of sounded like a threat. It’s an offer you can’t refuse.
The offer would be coming the next day. It was going to be a restless night. I had a Jameson’s with Bruce to help me get through the night.
The next day Bruce, Mrs. Bruce and I headed into the Quarter. Mrs. Doofus stayed behind to take care of any paperwork from the offer. We were told that we could expect it at 10:00 and had until 3:00 to accept. I feared I
would come back to my room only to find a horse’s head on the bed.
A parade on Bourbon Street kicked off the day’s festivities. Being in New Orleans, that meant there were beads to be had. What a blast! I hadn’t grabbed beads since Mardi Gras 30 some odd years ago. I made sure to get some for Mrs Doofus too.
About an hour or so later, Mrs Doofus gets a call from our realtor. Guess what, we were going to get an offer.
No way, it was only the first day. First day, one showing and we are going to get an offer? That’s just too weird. 5-10 years ago those type of things happened but not now.
So now we figured that it was going to be a low ball offer. Why else would someone make an offer on the first day? We started contemplating what our next moves were going to be. Counter? Go quiet and see if they counter their own offer (a tactic that has worked for us in the past). If counter – at what price? It was getting kind of ridiculous as we didn’t even know what the offer was going to be.
So I had Mrs. Doofus set the over/under on where she thought the offer would come in at. I took the under.
About another hour later we get another call from the realtor. She had spoken to the other agent (who worked in her office it turns out) and we could expect an offer that you won’t even want to counter.
What the hell does that mean? It kind of sounded like a threat. It’s an offer you can’t refuse.
The offer would be coming the next day. It was going to be a restless night. I had a Jameson’s with Bruce to help me get through the night.
The next day Bruce, Mrs. Bruce and I headed into the Quarter. Mrs. Doofus stayed behind to take care of any paperwork from the offer. We were told that we could expect it at 10:00 and had until 3:00 to accept. I feared I
would come back to my room only to find a horse’s head on the bed.
A parade on Bourbon Street kicked off the day’s festivities. Being in New Orleans, that meant there were beads to be had. What a blast! I hadn’t grabbed beads since Mardi Gras 30 some odd years ago. I made sure to get some for Mrs Doofus too.

After the last float went by we just sort of went out onto the street and joined in the parade. We were swinging and dancing and hadn’t even had a drink yet. We followed the parade about as far as we could (that would be where the cops said the parade was over and to go about having some fun somewhere else) and headed over to the French Market. They were giving some dance lessons.
Mrs Bruce and Bruce joined in. I decided to pass on going stag. But I did have fun watching couples where the enthusiasm far exceeded the talent.
After the lessons ended a band called Aurora Nealand and the Royal Roses took the stage. I swear they were spinoff from the Squirrel Nut
Zippers (they weren’t). No matter the music was great, the weather was perfect and the scenery as good as it gets.
Just as the band was finding a great groove, Mrs Doofus texted. We got the offer and she was on her way over.
Full list.
Nope, we got our list price. The realtor was right – it was an offer we couldn’t counter.
First day and full list? Holy crap! What is this 2007?
Mrs Doofus stopped me before I could go – maybe we didn’t ask enough. Just shut up and be happy with what we got. It was far more than we expected.
True that. I was ecstatic.
Not so Mrs Doofus. She was fretting. I don’t think she really contemplated actually selling the house. Especially this fast. Now she was worrying about the inspection, would the house appraise (good question – nothing had sold in our neighborhood for that price in quite a while) and something she really didn’t expect to have to deal with so fast – where are we going to live? It would take at least a year to build the new house. We figured we’d have time
to start looking around while the house was for sale. And what to do with the furniture? Sell it? Store it? Depends on whether you rent an apartment or a house.
Now we only have a month to get all that straightened out while at the same time have not one but two kids graduating.
That’s what makes out marriage so great. She gets to worry about all that stuff while I’m out drinking with my
She spent the rest of the weekend alternating between worrying and having a good time. Not me. I stuck with having a good time. About the only thing I was wondering about was whether Dobby was going to claim on easement on
the deck during football season. That would definitely affect the appraised value.
Mrs Bruce and Bruce joined in. I decided to pass on going stag. But I did have fun watching couples where the enthusiasm far exceeded the talent.
After the lessons ended a band called Aurora Nealand and the Royal Roses took the stage. I swear they were spinoff from the Squirrel Nut
Zippers (they weren’t). No matter the music was great, the weather was perfect and the scenery as good as it gets.
Just as the band was finding a great groove, Mrs Doofus texted. We got the offer and she was on her way over.
Full list.
Nope, we got our list price. The realtor was right – it was an offer we couldn’t counter.
First day and full list? Holy crap! What is this 2007?
Mrs Doofus stopped me before I could go – maybe we didn’t ask enough. Just shut up and be happy with what we got. It was far more than we expected.
True that. I was ecstatic.
Not so Mrs Doofus. She was fretting. I don’t think she really contemplated actually selling the house. Especially this fast. Now she was worrying about the inspection, would the house appraise (good question – nothing had sold in our neighborhood for that price in quite a while) and something she really didn’t expect to have to deal with so fast – where are we going to live? It would take at least a year to build the new house. We figured we’d have time
to start looking around while the house was for sale. And what to do with the furniture? Sell it? Store it? Depends on whether you rent an apartment or a house.
Now we only have a month to get all that straightened out while at the same time have not one but two kids graduating.
That’s what makes out marriage so great. She gets to worry about all that stuff while I’m out drinking with my
She spent the rest of the weekend alternating between worrying and having a good time. Not me. I stuck with having a good time. About the only thing I was wondering about was whether Dobby was going to claim on easement on
the deck during football season. That would definitely affect the appraised value.
We closed down the final night over on Decatur Street listening to some zydeco. Bruce and Mrs Bruce were dancing when a couple of guys from the pink team joined in with Mrs Bruce. They said she was having the most fun so
they wanted to dance with her. That was true. She was jamming to the music including an excellent rendition of the Bunny Hop.
On Saturday, we listened to one final band over on the River, had our final daiquiris for the weekend and headed on home. During the ride, I watched the third day of the Masters while Mrs Bruce drove, Mrs Doofus fretted and Bruce listened to some Beethoven. Somewhere along the line Bruce and I started signing the theme song to Underdog. Don’t ask – I have no idea how it came up either. When you’re having a good time these things just kinda happen.
Problem was we could only remember about the first couple of lines.
No worries – that’s why Al Gore invented the internet. A few minutes later we were belting out
UNDERDOG! Underdog UNDERDOG! Underdog
Speed of lightning
Roar of Thunder
Fighting all who rob and plunder
UNDERDOG Uh Uh Uh Underdog.
No that is a song that I know I’ll be singing and signing loudly when I’m taking the points in Vegas.
Speaking of which – It’s seven months to Vegas Baby!!
The GO JUMBO weekend is Nov 15th at the LVH hotel.
In the next update I’ll have entire 2014 NCAA Div 1A schedule (including the all important week 12 matchups) plus scores from last year and results against the spread over the last 9 years.
I’ll also have an update on the sale of the Doofus Mansion and where Mrs Doofus has decided to move us for the next year.
they wanted to dance with her. That was true. She was jamming to the music including an excellent rendition of the Bunny Hop.
On Saturday, we listened to one final band over on the River, had our final daiquiris for the weekend and headed on home. During the ride, I watched the third day of the Masters while Mrs Bruce drove, Mrs Doofus fretted and Bruce listened to some Beethoven. Somewhere along the line Bruce and I started signing the theme song to Underdog. Don’t ask – I have no idea how it came up either. When you’re having a good time these things just kinda happen.
Problem was we could only remember about the first couple of lines.
No worries – that’s why Al Gore invented the internet. A few minutes later we were belting out
UNDERDOG! Underdog UNDERDOG! Underdog
Speed of lightning
Roar of Thunder
Fighting all who rob and plunder
UNDERDOG Uh Uh Uh Underdog.
No that is a song that I know I’ll be singing and signing loudly when I’m taking the points in Vegas.
Speaking of which – It’s seven months to Vegas Baby!!
The GO JUMBO weekend is Nov 15th at the LVH hotel.
In the next update I’ll have entire 2014 NCAA Div 1A schedule (including the all important week 12 matchups) plus scores from last year and results against the spread over the last 9 years.
I’ll also have an update on the sale of the Doofus Mansion and where Mrs Doofus has decided to move us for the next year.