The 2014 GO JUMBO trip was another rip roaring success. Plenty of good times, telling the same old stories (and some new ones but more on that later), football, gambling, booze and just being together with old friends.
The trip started out well as I got upgraded on the flight out. Nothing like copious amounts of free Bloody Marys and young good looking flight attendants to get the weekend off to a good start. OK, Delta is unionized but at least they were generous with the Bloody Marys.
I checked in and went down to the Sportsbook. I pulled out the Big Book of Guesses, ordered a cocktail and waited for Woz.
Woz was late. Turns out his first departure was delayed for a de-icing, Then, shortly after he transferred planes in Denver, the power went out in the terminal . He was stuck. They couldn’t take off nor go back to the terminal. It took two hours and another de-icing to get going.
Woz finally arrived about 3 hours late but in good spirits. He still made it in time to get some wagers in. He ordered a cola and we went over our picks.
Usually Woz talks me into changing my under pick into an over but not this year. I was sticking with the Dolphins/Bills under. But he did talk me into taking a hockey bet. The Bruins were favored and we could tease it to 1.5 goals. No way are the Bruins going to lose by two goals. In the first period, Boston is up 1-0. We were looking good, we were up three goals.
It didn’t last, Montreal scores five unanswered to win 5-1. That was it for betting for me on hockey for the rest of the weekend. Not Woz. He kept betting through Saturday before calling it, losing virtually all. He more than made up for it over the weekend on betting the NBA winning all but one game. Nice
The trip started out well as I got upgraded on the flight out. Nothing like copious amounts of free Bloody Marys and young good looking flight attendants to get the weekend off to a good start. OK, Delta is unionized but at least they were generous with the Bloody Marys.
I checked in and went down to the Sportsbook. I pulled out the Big Book of Guesses, ordered a cocktail and waited for Woz.
Woz was late. Turns out his first departure was delayed for a de-icing, Then, shortly after he transferred planes in Denver, the power went out in the terminal . He was stuck. They couldn’t take off nor go back to the terminal. It took two hours and another de-icing to get going.
Woz finally arrived about 3 hours late but in good spirits. He still made it in time to get some wagers in. He ordered a cola and we went over our picks.
Usually Woz talks me into changing my under pick into an over but not this year. I was sticking with the Dolphins/Bills under. But he did talk me into taking a hockey bet. The Bruins were favored and we could tease it to 1.5 goals. No way are the Bruins going to lose by two goals. In the first period, Boston is up 1-0. We were looking good, we were up three goals.
It didn’t last, Montreal scores five unanswered to win 5-1. That was it for betting for me on hockey for the rest of the weekend. Not Woz. He kept betting through Saturday before calling it, losing virtually all. He more than made up for it over the weekend on betting the NBA winning all but one game. Nice

Joe arrived. Now it was a party. And who was serving up drinks? Betty. Actually it was spelled Beddy. Much like the beloved Caril, she likes to change her name tag every now and then.This year she was using a double D. Very fitting as Beddy was a buxomy lass when she joined the Las Vegas Hilton somewhere back in the Meyer Lansky era. Now, well let's just say they are just sad, tired and lonely. But it doesn't stop Beddy from proudly waving them around to get a few more tips.
As the games were starting off, Mike, Pete, Mrs Pete, Hugh and Sully arrived. Thursdays are getting better and better! In years past, Woz and I used to grab a couple chairs for the Thursday action. Now we needed tables and some chairs and sofas if they had them.
Since we are at the age when the initial conversation is a health check up all around, I'm pleased to report that we are all doing OK all things considered. No ailments that would be deemed unusual for our ages. As Mike said, we are nice and barreled aged now. Various medications are needed but only one that stops the alcohol consumption. Sorry Mike. We more than made it up for you.
The booze was flowing and the conversation flowing even faster. All the while some good games were going on. Pete had taken the Cincinnati BearCats and USC. His USC bet was in direct contradiction of the Sheriff and the Doofus. He lost that one.
Woz was making up some ground in the NBA and I was 3-2 on football but down slightly with Woz’s NHL bet. But factoring in the good times we were way ahead.
The party lasted into the wee hours of Friday before we called it. Lots to do in the morning.
As the games were starting off, Mike, Pete, Mrs Pete, Hugh and Sully arrived. Thursdays are getting better and better! In years past, Woz and I used to grab a couple chairs for the Thursday action. Now we needed tables and some chairs and sofas if they had them.
Since we are at the age when the initial conversation is a health check up all around, I'm pleased to report that we are all doing OK all things considered. No ailments that would be deemed unusual for our ages. As Mike said, we are nice and barreled aged now. Various medications are needed but only one that stops the alcohol consumption. Sorry Mike. We more than made it up for you.
The booze was flowing and the conversation flowing even faster. All the while some good games were going on. Pete had taken the Cincinnati BearCats and USC. His USC bet was in direct contradiction of the Sheriff and the Doofus. He lost that one.
Woz was making up some ground in the NBA and I was 3-2 on football but down slightly with Woz’s NHL bet. But factoring in the good times we were way ahead.
The party lasted into the wee hours of Friday before we called it. Lots to do in the morning.

Friday started out with a breakfast at the diner and then over to Ricks Restoration. Pete crammed eight of us into a minivan. We were packed in like sardines. Sully was in the way back when some of the beer from Thursday night started working its way out his back side. We were stuck. We couldn’t move and the guys up from wouldn’t open the windows. Nasty but, hey, just like old times.
When we got to Rick’s Pete decided to go with the free parking at a ornamental iron working shoppe next door. If you went into the showroom you could park for free while you toured Ricks. There were some nice pieces at reasonable prices but exactly how was I supposed to take a 6 foot brass giraffe through airport security?
We were cheapskates – didn’t buy a thing.
We then walked over to Ricks. The tour was better than expected. Certainly better than the Pawn Stars place, Ricks actually had a guy give a free tour and you could see the guys working behind big picture windows.
The tour guide had some good info including that Kowboy is actually as grumpy as he is shown on TV. He liked to call the guide Eddie Munster. I could see the resemblance. And he pointed out that if you looked on his work bench you could see the tooth he pulled out by himself. That sent a shiver. And it turns out it wasn't his first one. Yikes
He also mentioned that no need to ask if you can get something restored. It’s a 14 month wait and then only if they find it interesting. They don’t do much with wood and definitely not cars either. They leave that for Counting Cars (next year’s tour!).
There were lots of cool things in the tour area for sale and a gift shop too. We decided to save our money for the betting windows. We also passed on the $35 tour of the back lot. We weren't buying restored stuff - no sense looking at the raw inventory.
After Rick's we went over to Old Vegas. I texted Fuss. Fuss and Mrs Fuss had arrived late Thursday night and were staying a the Mirage. When he arrived, since they had gotten in so late they gave him a real crappy room. He was getting it changed and would be on his way shortly.
When we got to Rick’s Pete decided to go with the free parking at a ornamental iron working shoppe next door. If you went into the showroom you could park for free while you toured Ricks. There were some nice pieces at reasonable prices but exactly how was I supposed to take a 6 foot brass giraffe through airport security?
We were cheapskates – didn’t buy a thing.
We then walked over to Ricks. The tour was better than expected. Certainly better than the Pawn Stars place, Ricks actually had a guy give a free tour and you could see the guys working behind big picture windows.
The tour guide had some good info including that Kowboy is actually as grumpy as he is shown on TV. He liked to call the guide Eddie Munster. I could see the resemblance. And he pointed out that if you looked on his work bench you could see the tooth he pulled out by himself. That sent a shiver. And it turns out it wasn't his first one. Yikes
He also mentioned that no need to ask if you can get something restored. It’s a 14 month wait and then only if they find it interesting. They don’t do much with wood and definitely not cars either. They leave that for Counting Cars (next year’s tour!).
There were lots of cool things in the tour area for sale and a gift shop too. We decided to save our money for the betting windows. We also passed on the $35 tour of the back lot. We weren't buying restored stuff - no sense looking at the raw inventory.
After Rick's we went over to Old Vegas. I texted Fuss. Fuss and Mrs Fuss had arrived late Thursday night and were staying a the Mirage. When he arrived, since they had gotten in so late they gave him a real crappy room. He was getting it changed and would be on his way shortly.
We toured Old Vegas. The casinos are as dumpy as always but they have done a nice job with Fremont Street. At one end of the Old Strip is SlotZilla, a zip line that goes from one end of Fremont Street to the other.
There are two rides you can take on SlotZilla – for $20 you can sit for the ride or for $40 you launch from a higher point and ride like Superman. $40 it was.
I was to fly alone. Everyone else wanted to see if I died first.
After I purchased my ticket I got onto the elevator. We stopped at the $20 platform. No one got off. We were all daredevils. The elevator kept going up. The conversations kind of died off.
When we got off the elevator they put you in these massive vests with legging, hooks, straps and Lord knows what else. It was cumbersome but at least I felt safe. We then walked over Mr Roboto style to the hook up area.
To hook you up, you laid down on a rather large blue mattress. Air was pumped in underneath the mattress until you were about four feet in the air. The attendants carefully strapped on all the hooks and straps and other things to the zip line (or Zoom Line as they called it)
After checking their handiwork the attendants lowered the mattress. Now you’re dangling four feet in the air but with no view. In front of you is what can best be described as an industrial size pickup truck tailgate.
The tension was mounting. The beer at Binions doesn’t seem like such a good idea now. I’m getting a bit nervous and things are gurgling. I’m 150 feet in the air trusting that some young kid, paid by the hour, has strapped me in correctly. Gurgle gurgle
The tailgate is lowered. What a view! This is cool!
There are two rides you can take on SlotZilla – for $20 you can sit for the ride or for $40 you launch from a higher point and ride like Superman. $40 it was.
I was to fly alone. Everyone else wanted to see if I died first.
After I purchased my ticket I got onto the elevator. We stopped at the $20 platform. No one got off. We were all daredevils. The elevator kept going up. The conversations kind of died off.
When we got off the elevator they put you in these massive vests with legging, hooks, straps and Lord knows what else. It was cumbersome but at least I felt safe. We then walked over Mr Roboto style to the hook up area.
To hook you up, you laid down on a rather large blue mattress. Air was pumped in underneath the mattress until you were about four feet in the air. The attendants carefully strapped on all the hooks and straps and other things to the zip line (or Zoom Line as they called it)
After checking their handiwork the attendants lowered the mattress. Now you’re dangling four feet in the air but with no view. In front of you is what can best be described as an industrial size pickup truck tailgate.
The tension was mounting. The beer at Binions doesn’t seem like such a good idea now. I’m getting a bit nervous and things are gurgling. I’m 150 feet in the air trusting that some young kid, paid by the hour, has strapped me in correctly. Gurgle gurgle
The tailgate is lowered. What a view! This is cool!
3…2…1 You’re Off!!
Now my kids know from our Disney trips that when you’re on a ride make plenty of noise. Nothing like a ton of hootin’ and hollerin’ to make a great ride even better. I had to be the best free advertisement SlotZilla has had in quite a while.
Yeeeee!! Haaaaw!! Yip Yip Yip Yeee Haaaw.
I’m having a great time. People are looking up at a bald, barreled aged Superman zipping by 15 stories overhead having a blast.
I looked to my right. Another Superman was slightly ahead. I stretched out to become more aerodynamic. It didn't help. Turns out that your speed is more dependent on your weight and he had a couple burritos on me.
His wife, however, was told to carry a purse at the weigh in scale to make sure she met the 100 pound minimum. Her ruse caught up to her. She wasn’t heavy enough to make it all the way to the end.
After I got off I looked up and one of the kids put on a strap and went back up the line to tow her home.
Great time. Pat, you are up next year.
Now my kids know from our Disney trips that when you’re on a ride make plenty of noise. Nothing like a ton of hootin’ and hollerin’ to make a great ride even better. I had to be the best free advertisement SlotZilla has had in quite a while.
Yeeeee!! Haaaaw!! Yip Yip Yip Yeee Haaaw.
I’m having a great time. People are looking up at a bald, barreled aged Superman zipping by 15 stories overhead having a blast.
I looked to my right. Another Superman was slightly ahead. I stretched out to become more aerodynamic. It didn't help. Turns out that your speed is more dependent on your weight and he had a couple burritos on me.
His wife, however, was told to carry a purse at the weigh in scale to make sure she met the 100 pound minimum. Her ruse caught up to her. She wasn’t heavy enough to make it all the way to the end.
After I got off I looked up and one of the kids put on a strap and went back up the line to tow her home.
Great time. Pat, you are up next year.

We strolled around Old Vegas for a little bit more and I texted Fuss. It had been a couple of hours and he should he here by now. “Be there soon – I’ll text you when I get there.”
OK, so we hit a few more slots. I was up 15 cents. We also took a look at the lines on the night’s action and decided to check out the World Barbecue Championship being held just down the street.
It was a dud. We got there too early. The competition started out at 6 pm and it was about 2. We hemmed and hawed about whether to pay the $5 to check out the competitors. When the ticket gal said that some of the sponsors would be giving out free samples we were in.
Bad move. One sponsor gave out free samples (pretty good actually) but it wasn't worth $5. And the free bacon wrapped dates were pretty good too. Maybe worth $2.50 all in but not $5. We were in the hole for the week.
The Potato Board rep was bored and wanted to talk to us about spuds. We were waiting for another round of the bacon wrapped dates so why not. Learned a couple of things so maybe we got $3 of value.
As far as the competitors, imagine what you would look like if you sat around all day eating barbecue, drinking beer and driving motor homes. 350 pounds later, add a goatee and you could be a competitor.
If the thing is held there next year - we'll pass.
It was getting about time to head back to the Westgate and put some money down on the Friday night game. I texted Fuss "We're heading back - see you at the hotel" We checked to make sure Sully was blown out and crammed back into the minivan.
On the ride back Fuss texted "Where are you guys - I'm here" Now he gets there! Too late Fuss, you were about five hours late. We told him to meet us back at the hotel. .
When we got there - Pat had arrived. Some quick catching up and we headed to the Sportsbook. TIme for another night of pre-weekend action. I took Central Florida to cover and the under too. And I didn't let Woz talk me into an NHL bet either.
The gang wanted to take MSU in basketball too. I passed. I'm all too familiar on how MSU does in November.
OK, so we hit a few more slots. I was up 15 cents. We also took a look at the lines on the night’s action and decided to check out the World Barbecue Championship being held just down the street.
It was a dud. We got there too early. The competition started out at 6 pm and it was about 2. We hemmed and hawed about whether to pay the $5 to check out the competitors. When the ticket gal said that some of the sponsors would be giving out free samples we were in.
Bad move. One sponsor gave out free samples (pretty good actually) but it wasn't worth $5. And the free bacon wrapped dates were pretty good too. Maybe worth $2.50 all in but not $5. We were in the hole for the week.
The Potato Board rep was bored and wanted to talk to us about spuds. We were waiting for another round of the bacon wrapped dates so why not. Learned a couple of things so maybe we got $3 of value.
As far as the competitors, imagine what you would look like if you sat around all day eating barbecue, drinking beer and driving motor homes. 350 pounds later, add a goatee and you could be a competitor.
If the thing is held there next year - we'll pass.
It was getting about time to head back to the Westgate and put some money down on the Friday night game. I texted Fuss "We're heading back - see you at the hotel" We checked to make sure Sully was blown out and crammed back into the minivan.
On the ride back Fuss texted "Where are you guys - I'm here" Now he gets there! Too late Fuss, you were about five hours late. We told him to meet us back at the hotel. .
When we got there - Pat had arrived. Some quick catching up and we headed to the Sportsbook. TIme for another night of pre-weekend action. I took Central Florida to cover and the under too. And I didn't let Woz talk me into an NHL bet either.
The gang wanted to take MSU in basketball too. I passed. I'm all too familiar on how MSU does in November.

But I did take the first of many side bets for the weekend. We had decided to go to the Ri Ra bar over at Mandalay Bay after the games were done. Joe asked "Which game do you think will end first, the football game of the MSU basketball game. The football game was scheduled to kick off about an hour before the BBall game.
"The football game"
"By how much?"
Hmmmm. I set the line at eight minutes.
Joe said "I'll take the under"
"Does that mean you think there will be more or less than eight minutes left?" We were to be hopelessly confused on this bet from the start.
"Less that 8 minutes" From there on out we couldn't figure out which way to root. Did we want timeouts in the football game? Incomplete pass - is that good? Injury in the basketball game - who does that help?
While the games were going on not one, not two, but three surprise guests showed up. Tom and Chuck showed up first. Tom has been to Go Jumbo trips but this was the fist time I had seen Chuck since I don't know when.
Then Nigel showed up. Wow, now that goes way back. Soon whole new stories were being told. I had forgotten all about Munchkin and Ed Da Baby but soon the stories were flowing.
Excellent time! And a new attendance record too.
By now the football game was winding down. Five minutes left in the football game and 13 minutes left in the basketball game. Holy crap - Joe was impressed at how accurate the line was. But I hadn't factored in TV time outs and State was playing a close game against Navy. The football game ended with 10 minutes left in the BBall game. I won the first side bet of the weekend.
We then all watched as State eeked out a win over Navy and trundled over to the Ri Ra.
"The football game"
"By how much?"
Hmmmm. I set the line at eight minutes.
Joe said "I'll take the under"
"Does that mean you think there will be more or less than eight minutes left?" We were to be hopelessly confused on this bet from the start.
"Less that 8 minutes" From there on out we couldn't figure out which way to root. Did we want timeouts in the football game? Incomplete pass - is that good? Injury in the basketball game - who does that help?
While the games were going on not one, not two, but three surprise guests showed up. Tom and Chuck showed up first. Tom has been to Go Jumbo trips but this was the fist time I had seen Chuck since I don't know when.
Then Nigel showed up. Wow, now that goes way back. Soon whole new stories were being told. I had forgotten all about Munchkin and Ed Da Baby but soon the stories were flowing.
Excellent time! And a new attendance record too.
By now the football game was winding down. Five minutes left in the football game and 13 minutes left in the basketball game. Holy crap - Joe was impressed at how accurate the line was. But I hadn't factored in TV time outs and State was playing a close game against Navy. The football game ended with 10 minutes left in the BBall game. I won the first side bet of the weekend.
We then all watched as State eeked out a win over Navy and trundled over to the Ri Ra.

Well almost everyone headed over. Pete, Mrs Pete, Fuss and Mrs Fuss headed over to an Italian restaurant to see Pia Zadora when Rich Little made a surprise appearance. Pete was in heaven. A couple of washed up celebrities going through Reagan age routines.
We were having a better time at the Ri Ra. Irish jigs were being played loud and often. I texted Bruce "So what exactly do you do with a drunken sailor?" It was 3 am his time. No response. We sang our best answers anyways.
Hugh wanted me to try some Paddy Irish Whiskey but I wanted some Midleton's. That is until I heard the price. $23 a glass for the cheap stuff all the way up to $345 a glass. Tom said I'm buying a round of the high priced stuff if the Mega Bets pay off this weekend. I would need a whole slew of Super Duper Jumbo Colossal Mega Bets to pay off at $345 a glass. And I wouldn't trust Tom to go "we'll have another" either.
We did try to get Chuck to buy some though. He's a beer and wine guy and was willing to learn about Irish whiskey. This would be a great way to start. He passed. He started out with something more reasonable. Good decision.
We were having a better time at the Ri Ra. Irish jigs were being played loud and often. I texted Bruce "So what exactly do you do with a drunken sailor?" It was 3 am his time. No response. We sang our best answers anyways.
Hugh wanted me to try some Paddy Irish Whiskey but I wanted some Midleton's. That is until I heard the price. $23 a glass for the cheap stuff all the way up to $345 a glass. Tom said I'm buying a round of the high priced stuff if the Mega Bets pay off this weekend. I would need a whole slew of Super Duper Jumbo Colossal Mega Bets to pay off at $345 a glass. And I wouldn't trust Tom to go "we'll have another" either.
We did try to get Chuck to buy some though. He's a beer and wine guy and was willing to learn about Irish whiskey. This would be a great way to start. He passed. He started out with something more reasonable. Good decision.

After several rounds of Irish beer and whiskey (Red Breast, they were out of Paddy's) we stumbled on back to the Westgate - the long way. Mandalay Bay and the Westgate are on totally opposite ends of the strip. To get back we had to take a shuttle to the Excalibur, then walk a block to the MGM Grand and then the monorail to the Westgate.
We got split up. Pat, Hugh, Sully and I mistakenly got on the local shuttle that also stopped at the Luxor first. Joe texted "Where are you guys?" "Be there soon - wait for us at the MGM" They didn't.
So we checked out the sports books at the Mandalay Bay and the MGM. Mandalay Bay's was smaller than the Westgate's (what isn't) but it is cigar friendly. Worth checking out next year. Not so much the MGM - too long and narrow.
We got in late back to the Westgate making for a short and excited night. Tomorrow is Saturday which means it's
FFDY!!. Oh How I love this day.
Mike and I got down early to reserve seats. Joe came down about fifteen minutes later and Pat shortly after that. I wasn't the only one who was excited.
I updated the BBofG, made my bets and waited for the rest of the gang to arrive. About an hour before kickoff, sufficient attendees came down for Pete, Pat and I to head over to the buffet. The waitress took our receipt and started heading to our lucky table - but it was full. WTH? They should keep that open for us. They sat us down next to our lucky table. I was worried. Pat less so - he was hungry. Pete wanted to get done so he could take a nap. He had been up a full two hours already.
Since all members of the Executive Committee were dining simultaneously held an official Executive Committee Meeting but more on that at the end of the update.
We finished eating too much, grab a doughnut for the table and went back into the Sportsbook. Everyone had their wagers in so it was time for some Football!!
We didn't have much action on the early games. The good games including my Mega Bets and the MSU game were at night so we killed some time with side bets and trivia.
Mike made the first side bet - who will be the last to pass gas? Good bet! The pot got up to about $10 when two minutes into the contest, Hugh pulled a Kramer. I'm out! He is Irish after all.
Several hours went by. I was long out. It came down to the non-drinkers, Mike by medication and Pete by choice. Mike finally let go a freep. Pete wins!
We also set up another side bet. When will Fuss show? He was five hours late and counting to making it to Old Vegas. The betting started out at Noon with 30 minute increments. I was on the clock at 2:00. No Fuss. Crap.
Pete won that bet too when Fuss finally showed at 3:25 barely making into his 3:00 window. Pete was killing it with the side bets.
Joe started some trivia. Name eight teams, Div 1A, with a color in their nickname. Oooooh, good one. I usually ask the one for nicknames without an s or a color. I had to reverse think. With help from Mike and Chuck we got to six of which two Joe didn't have. So now the question was "Name 10 of the eight teams".
A random guy sitting next to us chipped in three more. We were laughing. Joe texted Mrs Joe "Name 13 of the 8 teams with a color in their nicknames" She texted back - "you mean 8 of the 13" Nope - 13 of the 8. She was confused but so were we. Great question. Wish I had written down the answer.
During one lull in the action Joe asked what rule change would I make if I were in charge of football. Another great question. For me, the game has gotten too wimpy, emphasizing the passing game way too much. Bring back the old pound and ground days. I would eliminate pass interference. If you want to catch a pass, get open and catch the damn ball.
Joe wanted to base the FG points based on length. 1 point for chip shots all the way to 6 points for FGs over 60 yards. If you miss it's half a point for the defense. That way you can get a push on the hook.
This was later modified after the Lions boinked a FG. 2 extra points if a FG boinks and it goes in and 1 point if it boinks and misses. Imagine screaming "I need a boink!"
Soon we were all pitching in and forming our own fan football committee. Tom wanted the right to overrule the review refs when they blow a call. There were quite a few over the weekend.
Mike, late in a game, goes "I need a pick 9 to get the cover." Hell, why not. Interceptions for a TD from the endzone are worth 9.
I'll put out a poll after the season to get more fan input on rule changes for our Fan Football Committee. Just got to figure out how to do it in this blog.
We got split up. Pat, Hugh, Sully and I mistakenly got on the local shuttle that also stopped at the Luxor first. Joe texted "Where are you guys?" "Be there soon - wait for us at the MGM" They didn't.
So we checked out the sports books at the Mandalay Bay and the MGM. Mandalay Bay's was smaller than the Westgate's (what isn't) but it is cigar friendly. Worth checking out next year. Not so much the MGM - too long and narrow.
We got in late back to the Westgate making for a short and excited night. Tomorrow is Saturday which means it's
FFDY!!. Oh How I love this day.
Mike and I got down early to reserve seats. Joe came down about fifteen minutes later and Pat shortly after that. I wasn't the only one who was excited.
I updated the BBofG, made my bets and waited for the rest of the gang to arrive. About an hour before kickoff, sufficient attendees came down for Pete, Pat and I to head over to the buffet. The waitress took our receipt and started heading to our lucky table - but it was full. WTH? They should keep that open for us. They sat us down next to our lucky table. I was worried. Pat less so - he was hungry. Pete wanted to get done so he could take a nap. He had been up a full two hours already.
Since all members of the Executive Committee were dining simultaneously held an official Executive Committee Meeting but more on that at the end of the update.
We finished eating too much, grab a doughnut for the table and went back into the Sportsbook. Everyone had their wagers in so it was time for some Football!!
We didn't have much action on the early games. The good games including my Mega Bets and the MSU game were at night so we killed some time with side bets and trivia.
Mike made the first side bet - who will be the last to pass gas? Good bet! The pot got up to about $10 when two minutes into the contest, Hugh pulled a Kramer. I'm out! He is Irish after all.
Several hours went by. I was long out. It came down to the non-drinkers, Mike by medication and Pete by choice. Mike finally let go a freep. Pete wins!
We also set up another side bet. When will Fuss show? He was five hours late and counting to making it to Old Vegas. The betting started out at Noon with 30 minute increments. I was on the clock at 2:00. No Fuss. Crap.
Pete won that bet too when Fuss finally showed at 3:25 barely making into his 3:00 window. Pete was killing it with the side bets.
Joe started some trivia. Name eight teams, Div 1A, with a color in their nickname. Oooooh, good one. I usually ask the one for nicknames without an s or a color. I had to reverse think. With help from Mike and Chuck we got to six of which two Joe didn't have. So now the question was "Name 10 of the eight teams".
A random guy sitting next to us chipped in three more. We were laughing. Joe texted Mrs Joe "Name 13 of the 8 teams with a color in their nicknames" She texted back - "you mean 8 of the 13" Nope - 13 of the 8. She was confused but so were we. Great question. Wish I had written down the answer.
During one lull in the action Joe asked what rule change would I make if I were in charge of football. Another great question. For me, the game has gotten too wimpy, emphasizing the passing game way too much. Bring back the old pound and ground days. I would eliminate pass interference. If you want to catch a pass, get open and catch the damn ball.
Joe wanted to base the FG points based on length. 1 point for chip shots all the way to 6 points for FGs over 60 yards. If you miss it's half a point for the defense. That way you can get a push on the hook.
This was later modified after the Lions boinked a FG. 2 extra points if a FG boinks and it goes in and 1 point if it boinks and misses. Imagine screaming "I need a boink!"
Soon we were all pitching in and forming our own fan football committee. Tom wanted the right to overrule the review refs when they blow a call. There were quite a few over the weekend.
Mike, late in a game, goes "I need a pick 9 to get the cover." Hell, why not. Interceptions for a TD from the endzone are worth 9.
I'll put out a poll after the season to get more fan input on rule changes for our Fan Football Committee. Just got to figure out how to do it in this blog.

The betting wasn't going too good through the afternoon games. In fact, in the head to head match up between games bet on by the Big Flippy and the BBofG, the Big Flippy went 11-9 while the BBofG was 8-12. But the Mega Bets were still to be played. Win those and the day will be profitable.
2014 GO JUMBO Official Mega Bets
FSU -2.5 @ Miami (FL) - This game went exactly as I thought it would - Miami (FL) would jump to an early lead and then FSU would come storming back for the win.
The Canes jumped out to a 16-0 lead to start the 2nd quarter. I wasn't worried, plenty of time left. The teams started trading scores so that it was 23-17 Canes at the end of 3. All right FSU time to get it into gear.
The Noles start the 4th quarter at the Miami 15. Time to punch it in and get the lead. FSU gets pushed back to the 20 and kicks a FG. They trail 23-20. Still plenty of time but lets get going.
2014 GO JUMBO Official Mega Bets
FSU -2.5 @ Miami (FL) - This game went exactly as I thought it would - Miami (FL) would jump to an early lead and then FSU would come storming back for the win.
The Canes jumped out to a 16-0 lead to start the 2nd quarter. I wasn't worried, plenty of time left. The teams started trading scores so that it was 23-17 Canes at the end of 3. All right FSU time to get it into gear.
The Noles start the 4th quarter at the Miami 15. Time to punch it in and get the lead. FSU gets pushed back to the 20 and kicks a FG. They trail 23-20. Still plenty of time but lets get going.

The Canes get the FG back on the next drive 26-20. By giving 2.5, I'm down two scores
FSU gets one of the scores when they kick a FG on their next possession. 26-23 Canes Nice but how about some TDs
FSU holds and get the ball back at 38 after the punt. OK it's Jameis time.
Two pass plays later it's 2nd and 6 at the Cane 41. This time it wasn't Jameis taking over. It's RB Dalvin Cook. He runs for 15. First and 10 at the Cane 26. Cook takes the hand off again and - TD!! Noles take the lead 30-26 with three minutes left!
Time for the defense to take over. And where is that pick I predicted?
The Canes drive to the FSU 43 with 46 seconds left. Canes need a TD. A FG does them no good. Miami QB Brad Kayaa drops back and PICK! Ball game
FSU gets one of the scores when they kick a FG on their next possession. 26-23 Canes Nice but how about some TDs
FSU holds and get the ball back at 38 after the punt. OK it's Jameis time.
Two pass plays later it's 2nd and 6 at the Cane 41. This time it wasn't Jameis taking over. It's RB Dalvin Cook. He runs for 15. First and 10 at the Cane 26. Cook takes the hand off again and - TD!! Noles take the lead 30-26 with three minutes left!
Time for the defense to take over. And where is that pick I predicted?
The Canes drive to the FSU 43 with 46 seconds left. Canes need a TD. A FG does them no good. Miami QB Brad Kayaa drops back and PICK! Ball game

MSU -10.5 @ Maryland - Before the game started Mike wanted to know who had the remote. The big screen was going to show the FSU game and he wanted it to be the MSU game.
I told him the remote was in Beddy's double Ds. All you got to do is reach in and get it. He understandably passed.
The Spartans started out slow. Three times they got into the red zone only to come away with three FGs. 9-0 MSU
The Terps responded with a TD to make it 9-7 MSU with four minutes left in the half.
MSU drove again but this time missed the FG. I knew the defense would hold but the offense needs to get going.
They did. They uncorked Jeremy Langford. Langford went in from 8 yards to put MSU up 16-7 at the half.
The defense chipped in with a pick six with a minute left in the third to go up 23-7. The cover was in hand. Lets get an insurance TD.
I told him the remote was in Beddy's double Ds. All you got to do is reach in and get it. He understandably passed.
The Spartans started out slow. Three times they got into the red zone only to come away with three FGs. 9-0 MSU
The Terps responded with a TD to make it 9-7 MSU with four minutes left in the half.
MSU drove again but this time missed the FG. I knew the defense would hold but the offense needs to get going.
They did. They uncorked Jeremy Langford. Langford went in from 8 yards to put MSU up 16-7 at the half.
The defense chipped in with a pick six with a minute left in the third to go up 23-7. The cover was in hand. Lets get an insurance TD.

Jeremy answered the call. He goes in from 25 yards out to push the lead to 30-7.
Good thing too. Maryland came right back with a TD on their next possession. And the got the 2 to make it 30-15
It must have pissed off the offense as they went right back and scored. This time it was Nick Hill from 33 yards out. 37-15 MSU. Three minutes left. Ball game.
Langford was excellent. He ran for 135 yards, his 14th straight game over 100 yards. That's the longest streak in Div 1A in ten years.
And the defense was superb holding Maryland to 6 yards rushing and making three picks including the back breaking pick six.
Back to back Mega Bet wins. It was a very profitable day.
The profit total was helped by a Imperial Grand Wizard bet on NASCAR. I took Kenseth, Keselowski and Kyle Busch (Kasey Kahne wasn't running so I took Kyle). Kenseth won at 8-1.
Good thing too. Maryland came right back with a TD on their next possession. And the got the 2 to make it 30-15
It must have pissed off the offense as they went right back and scored. This time it was Nick Hill from 33 yards out. 37-15 MSU. Three minutes left. Ball game.
Langford was excellent. He ran for 135 yards, his 14th straight game over 100 yards. That's the longest streak in Div 1A in ten years.
And the defense was superb holding Maryland to 6 yards rushing and making three picks including the back breaking pick six.
Back to back Mega Bet wins. It was a very profitable day.
The profit total was helped by a Imperial Grand Wizard bet on NASCAR. I took Kenseth, Keselowski and Kyle Busch (Kasey Kahne wasn't running so I took Kyle). Kenseth won at 8-1.
After a couple great wins we headed over to the Sports bar behind the casino to smoke a victory cigar and watch the night cap games including the final Mega Bets by the Sheriff.
It's a good thing the Sheriff passed on Vegas this year. He would have gone home a little lighter in the wallet going 1-2 with
Cal (+14.5) over USC - Pete went against this bet and paid the price. Cal rallied for two TDs in the last seven minutes to get a back door cover. Final score USC 38 Cal 30. WIN
Arizona State (-9.5) over Oregon State - Classic let down scenario for the Forks. A week after blowing out Notre Dame at home, ASU lays a huge egg. The Sun Devils led 27-21 early in the fourth quarter then melted down, letting the Beavers score two unanswered TDs to close out the game Final - OSU 35 ASU 27 LOSS
Arizona (-9) over Washington - Arizona rallied to win on a walk off FG. But it wasn't near enough to get the cover. Another game that needed a pick 9. Final score Arizona 27 Washington 26 LOSS
It's a good thing the Sheriff passed on Vegas this year. He would have gone home a little lighter in the wallet going 1-2 with
Cal (+14.5) over USC - Pete went against this bet and paid the price. Cal rallied for two TDs in the last seven minutes to get a back door cover. Final score USC 38 Cal 30. WIN
Arizona State (-9.5) over Oregon State - Classic let down scenario for the Forks. A week after blowing out Notre Dame at home, ASU lays a huge egg. The Sun Devils led 27-21 early in the fourth quarter then melted down, letting the Beavers score two unanswered TDs to close out the game Final - OSU 35 ASU 27 LOSS
Arizona (-9) over Washington - Arizona rallied to win on a walk off FG. But it wasn't near enough to get the cover. Another game that needed a pick 9. Final score Arizona 27 Washington 26 LOSS

We spent the rest of the night going over our best and worst picks. Telling some new stories and just plain old having a good time.
Sunday started out the same way as FFDY. I got down to the Sportsbook to save some tables and chairs. Mike was down soon after followed by Pat and Pete.
When enough partiers had come down, I made my picks and headed over to the buffet with Pat. About midway through the fourth course, Fuss texted. He wanted to put $20 on a 9 pick Super Teaser parlay. Are you serious - just give me the $20.
He was insistent so I had him contact Pete. When Pat and I finally rolled out of the buffet, blowing away about 4 weeks of dieting, I came to the tables only to find Pete on the phone with Fuss. Fuss was still trying to get his long shot bet in. We told Pete to tell Fuss to make the bet at the Mirage.
Pete didn't make the bet. I get a text. It's Fuss. He still wants the bet. There are about five minutes until the betting window closes so I go up, put $20 down and make the parlay - just in time
I hurried back to the gang because my Mega Bet was kicking off. Get this one and it will be a very profitable weekend.
2014 GO JUMBO NFL Mega Bet
Kansas City -1 vs Seattle - This turned out to be an excellent game. two heavy weight teams going the full fifteen rounds.
Seattle went three and out on their first possession. Then the fun started.
Kansas City opened with a beautiful 15 play, 9 minute, 86 yard scoring drive. Jamaal Charles punched it in from the one and the Chiefs were up 7-0.
Seattle responded with their own 16 play 90 yard TD drive taking another 9 minutes off the clock. We are three drives into the game and already in the second quarter - tied 7-7.
Kansas City goes to the air on their next possession and scores in two minutes to go up 14-7.
Seattle gets the ball back, uses up six minutes and hits a FG. This game has only had five drives and we are down to a minute left in the half. Seattle and KC were using thier offenses to keep thier defense off the field, yet still getting points. This is why they are among the best in the game. Punch, counter punch.
Seattle's defense was the first to make a play, forcing a KC fumble at their 47. The offense was efficient again sucking the minute off the clock and kicking a FG as time expired. Halftime score - KC 14 Seattle 13. RIght on the number.
KC's offense starts the second half by taking half the third quarter off the clock, driving to the Seattle five and kicks a FG. 17-13 KC. Excellent.
Sunday started out the same way as FFDY. I got down to the Sportsbook to save some tables and chairs. Mike was down soon after followed by Pat and Pete.
When enough partiers had come down, I made my picks and headed over to the buffet with Pat. About midway through the fourth course, Fuss texted. He wanted to put $20 on a 9 pick Super Teaser parlay. Are you serious - just give me the $20.
He was insistent so I had him contact Pete. When Pat and I finally rolled out of the buffet, blowing away about 4 weeks of dieting, I came to the tables only to find Pete on the phone with Fuss. Fuss was still trying to get his long shot bet in. We told Pete to tell Fuss to make the bet at the Mirage.
Pete didn't make the bet. I get a text. It's Fuss. He still wants the bet. There are about five minutes until the betting window closes so I go up, put $20 down and make the parlay - just in time
I hurried back to the gang because my Mega Bet was kicking off. Get this one and it will be a very profitable weekend.
2014 GO JUMBO NFL Mega Bet
Kansas City -1 vs Seattle - This turned out to be an excellent game. two heavy weight teams going the full fifteen rounds.
Seattle went three and out on their first possession. Then the fun started.
Kansas City opened with a beautiful 15 play, 9 minute, 86 yard scoring drive. Jamaal Charles punched it in from the one and the Chiefs were up 7-0.
Seattle responded with their own 16 play 90 yard TD drive taking another 9 minutes off the clock. We are three drives into the game and already in the second quarter - tied 7-7.
Kansas City goes to the air on their next possession and scores in two minutes to go up 14-7.
Seattle gets the ball back, uses up six minutes and hits a FG. This game has only had five drives and we are down to a minute left in the half. Seattle and KC were using thier offenses to keep thier defense off the field, yet still getting points. This is why they are among the best in the game. Punch, counter punch.
Seattle's defense was the first to make a play, forcing a KC fumble at their 47. The offense was efficient again sucking the minute off the clock and kicking a FG as time expired. Halftime score - KC 14 Seattle 13. RIght on the number.
KC's offense starts the second half by taking half the third quarter off the clock, driving to the Seattle five and kicks a FG. 17-13 KC. Excellent.

The defenses stepped up. Seattle fumbles on their next drive and KC gives it right back on their 44.
Seattle capitalizes, driving for a TD while bleeding off the rest of the third quarter. After 3, its Seattle 20 KC 17.
It didn't take KC long to get the TD back as they 71 yards in under two minutes to go up 24-20. Needed that! Jamaal Charles set up the TD with a 44 yard blast up the middle to the Seattle 4. He was having a great game.
Even better, the Chief defense takes it up a whole 'nother notch. Seattle went on three drives in the fourth quarter all ending on turnover on downs. None better than the first drive that ended with an incompletion, 4th and goal at the 2.
Final score - KC 24 Seattle 20 WIN
Jamaal Charles was superb blasting away at the Seahawk defense for 159 yards and 2 TDs. Marshawn Lynch was nearly as good going off for 129 yards. It was an 'ol timey grind it out and play good defense game. Just a great game. The way they should be played.
And with the Mega Bet win I was 3-0 on the weekend with a very nice profit. Enough to meet the Bruce threshhold - enough to pay for the hotel. Although not quite good enough to meet the Tom threshhold of a suite at the Bellagio. And not even close to paying for a round of the good Midletons at the Ri Ra. But a nice profit nonetheless.
Seattle capitalizes, driving for a TD while bleeding off the rest of the third quarter. After 3, its Seattle 20 KC 17.
It didn't take KC long to get the TD back as they 71 yards in under two minutes to go up 24-20. Needed that! Jamaal Charles set up the TD with a 44 yard blast up the middle to the Seattle 4. He was having a great game.
Even better, the Chief defense takes it up a whole 'nother notch. Seattle went on three drives in the fourth quarter all ending on turnover on downs. None better than the first drive that ended with an incompletion, 4th and goal at the 2.
Final score - KC 24 Seattle 20 WIN
Jamaal Charles was superb blasting away at the Seahawk defense for 159 yards and 2 TDs. Marshawn Lynch was nearly as good going off for 129 yards. It was an 'ol timey grind it out and play good defense game. Just a great game. The way they should be played.
And with the Mega Bet win I was 3-0 on the weekend with a very nice profit. Enough to meet the Bruce threshhold - enough to pay for the hotel. Although not quite good enough to meet the Tom threshhold of a suite at the Bellagio. And not even close to paying for a round of the good Midletons at the Ri Ra. But a nice profit nonetheless.

With that I ended my betting for the weekend. I made enough to gloat when I see Bruce. Although the Lions cost me a parlay for the afternoon games. I teased the over down to 37. The over started out well as Arizona scored 14 points in the first quarter. Detroit countered with two FGs and then ..... that was it. No more scoring. After the Lions scored inside the two minute warning for the first half - no one scored. Incredible. Megatron - nothing. Golden Tate - nothing.
The closest anyone got was when the Cardinals got to the Lions 35 and then punted. Basically the game was get to midfield and punt. Great defensive battle. I appreciated that but a disaster for the over.
It was the only loss on the parlay card. Damn Lions. I was wearing my lucky Lions beads too. Guess I used up all the luck last year. I wonder if Goodwill will take them.
By now I was wondering when Fuss would show up. The afternoon games were done and still no Fuss. I was beginning to think I had made my own side bet. He was into me for $20. Was he going to be a no show?
I went over to the slots with Mike and Pat. I was still up 15 cents and wanted to see if I could get it up to a full dollar. It started out well until I played the Star Trek slot. Thing was a piece of crap. Made lots of noise and the seat rumbled. Had phasers and Spocks and Kirks but the more noise it made the more money it drained. Lost it all. I won't be playing that game again.
But at least I saw Fuss. He and Mrs Fuss finally showed. He checked out his 9 game parlay. It went 5-4. Not even close.
They started playing some slots but quickly got behind. I checked on Pat. He was winning like he usually does on slot poker. Nice.
Mike and I strolled back to be with Woz for the final football action of the weekend New England +3.0 @ Indianapolis. Woz had taken Brady Bunch and won easily. Country Day's own Jonas Gray blew up the Colt defense for nearly 200 yards as the Pats romped 42-20. This game was over early in the second half so the game was more of a party for Woz.
As the game wound down Fuss texted a couple pictures. He had taken over Pat's slot poker machine and won 6,000 nickles and then 9,000 shortly there after. He asked if he could be paid in dimes since nickles are just too heavy.
It was the last great bet of the weekend. everyone came out ahead. Maybe not in cash but way ahead in fun. we gathered together at the tables on last time to say our goodbyes - smiles all around.
As far as the Executive Committe - we voted that
1. The 2015 GO JUMBO trip will be Nov 7th, 2015 at the Westgate Resort
2. Depending on attendance we will spend Thursday or Friday Night at the Mandalay Bay Sportsbook and check out the Ri Ra and House of Blues
3. Let's go for another attendance record next year!
The closest anyone got was when the Cardinals got to the Lions 35 and then punted. Basically the game was get to midfield and punt. Great defensive battle. I appreciated that but a disaster for the over.
It was the only loss on the parlay card. Damn Lions. I was wearing my lucky Lions beads too. Guess I used up all the luck last year. I wonder if Goodwill will take them.
By now I was wondering when Fuss would show up. The afternoon games were done and still no Fuss. I was beginning to think I had made my own side bet. He was into me for $20. Was he going to be a no show?
I went over to the slots with Mike and Pat. I was still up 15 cents and wanted to see if I could get it up to a full dollar. It started out well until I played the Star Trek slot. Thing was a piece of crap. Made lots of noise and the seat rumbled. Had phasers and Spocks and Kirks but the more noise it made the more money it drained. Lost it all. I won't be playing that game again.
But at least I saw Fuss. He and Mrs Fuss finally showed. He checked out his 9 game parlay. It went 5-4. Not even close.
They started playing some slots but quickly got behind. I checked on Pat. He was winning like he usually does on slot poker. Nice.
Mike and I strolled back to be with Woz for the final football action of the weekend New England +3.0 @ Indianapolis. Woz had taken Brady Bunch and won easily. Country Day's own Jonas Gray blew up the Colt defense for nearly 200 yards as the Pats romped 42-20. This game was over early in the second half so the game was more of a party for Woz.
As the game wound down Fuss texted a couple pictures. He had taken over Pat's slot poker machine and won 6,000 nickles and then 9,000 shortly there after. He asked if he could be paid in dimes since nickles are just too heavy.
It was the last great bet of the weekend. everyone came out ahead. Maybe not in cash but way ahead in fun. we gathered together at the tables on last time to say our goodbyes - smiles all around.
As far as the Executive Committe - we voted that
1. The 2015 GO JUMBO trip will be Nov 7th, 2015 at the Westgate Resort
2. Depending on attendance we will spend Thursday or Friday Night at the Mandalay Bay Sportsbook and check out the Ri Ra and House of Blues
3. Let's go for another attendance record next year!